Saturday, 24 February 2007

Joke Email - State of the Union

Welcome to the world-renowned JOKE EMAIL!
Friday 26th January, 2007 70,000 subscribers
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+ The Starter
Hey Folks!

So the good news is that my leg has recovered from the savage beating it
took whilst playing football last week. The perps have been found and
severely dealt with (on the football field of course!), so I'm ready to
hit the slopes of either Meribel or Courchevel in the French Alps. Board
not yet hired, nor lift pass purchased which is obviously a mild concern..
I'm not gonna be tramping up the slopes without either of them!

Anyways, hope you have a fab weekend. I have scheduled Joke Emails for all
the usual times next week to ensure you get your daily fix of humor.
Please do me a favor and click through onto the new pics.. got a feeling
you might like them. If you do, send them on to your mates and share the
laughs. Let's face it, we don't have enough fun this time of year ;-)

Tom Evans
Editor - Joke Email

+ New Funny Pics:
Bush needs State of the Union Assistance
<a href=" "> AOL </a>

Webcam Girl Caught Cheating
<a href=" "> AOL </a>

+ General Joke
My friends, I am writing to warn you of a very dangerous game that many
of you or your loved ones may have intended to play on Tuesday.

This is a very serious matter; many people could die because they simply
aren't aware how much the situation has changed. I am speaking, of course,
of the State of the Union drinking game.

While this is a favorite pastime in America it has never been completely
safe to drink whenever you catch a politician lying. This year, however,
there are expected to be an unprecedented number of lies, fabrications,
omissions of truth, revisions of history, misuses of statistics, and
the complete denial of the world situation.

Players who typically drink after each lie need to be aware that alcohol
poisoning can lead to death at over .4% blood alcohol content.
(For comparison, the legal limit to drive is .08% in some states.)

This Tuesday's State of the Union will address, among
other things, the Iraq war and global warming. Even conservative
estimates predict that unseasoned drinkers could be killed within the
first hour of the State of the Union address. As you can see, matters
are grave within the State of the Union.

I urge you to join with me in encouraging at least a ten lies to one
drink revision in the drinking game.

Don't let your death be added to those the current administration
is already responsible for.

For more jokes, stroll on over to:

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This ezine is registered with the British Library as: ISSN 1471-020X
© Copyright 2007 Thomas Evans. All Rights Reserved.

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