Saturday 12 January 2008

JE - McCain on the Warpath

Welcome to the world-renowned JOKE EMAIL!
Friday 11th January, 2008 70,000 subscribers
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+ The Starter
The Weekend!!

Tom Evans
Editor - Joke Email

+ New Funny Pics:
McCain on the Warpath!
<a href=" "> AOL </a>

iPhone Mystery
<a href=" "> AOL </a>

Hide Your Farts
<a href=" "> AOL </a>

+ General Joke
An 80 year old was married for the fourth time, to a mortician. A
reporter thought this was fascinating, and interviewed her for a public
interest column. When asked about her marriages, the woman described her
various husbands.
When she was 20, she said, she married a banker, but he died later of an
unexpected illness. Then she married again at 40--this time to the ring
master of a 3 ring circus. They travelled together for many years, until
he too became ill and passed away. Then at 60, the woman married a pastor
and finally the moritican. The reporter asked her if she had picked these
men with random occupations or if she had a system which she used to
choose her men.

She had one for the money.....
Two for the show.......
Three to get ready.....
and four to go

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© Copyright 2008 Thomas Evans. All Rights Reserved.

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